




此外,还需要使用开发工具如IntelliJ IDEA等。通过这些工具,可以更容易地开发ADA平台的应用程序。




{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import Control.Monad.State

import Control.Monad.Trans.Except

import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

import Data.Aeson as A

import Data.Aeson.Types as AT

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B

import Data.Either

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Data.String

type ADA = Integer

data Address = Address String deriving (Eq, Ord)

type Balance = Map.Map Address ADA

data Transaction = Transaction Address Address ADA

addBalance :: Address -> ADA -> StateT Balance IO ()

addBalance addr amt = do

bal <- get

let newBal = Map.insertWith (+) addr amt bal

put newBal

getBalance :: Address -> StateT Balance IO ADA

getBalance addr = do

bal <- get

return $ fromMaybe 0 (Map.lookup addr bal)

transfer :: Transaction -> StateT Balance IO ()

transfer (Transaction from to amt) = do

balanceFrom <- getBalance from

unless (amt <= balanceFrom) $ lift (throwE "insufficient balance")

addBalance to amt

addBalance from (-amt)

modifyIORef' :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()

modifyIORef' ref f = atomicModifyIORef' ref (\a -> (f a, ()))

convertTransactionsToJSON :: [Transaction] -> AT.Value

convertTransactionsToJSON txns =

toJSON $ fmap (\(Transaction from to amt) ->

object [("from", toJSON from), ("to", toJSON to), ("amount", toJSON amt)]) txns

parseJSONTransactions :: Value -> AT.Parser [Transaction]

parseJSONTransactions v =

case v of

(Array txnList) ->

forM txnList $ \txn -> do

(Object txnObj) <- return txn

from <- txnObj .: "from"

to <- txnObj .: "to"

amt <- txnObj .: "amount"

return (Transaction from to amt)

_ -> fail "Expected array for transactions"

parseJSONResponse :: Value -> AT.Parser (Maybe String)

parseJSONResponse v = do

(Object respObj) <- return v

let respVal = HashMap.lookup "result" respObj

case respVal of

(Just (String result)) -> return (Just (unpack result))

_ -> return Nothing

runCommand :: String -> StateT Balance IO (Maybe String)

runCommand c = do

let cmdWords = words c

case cmdWords of

["transfer", fromStr, toStr, amtStr] -> do

let from = Address fromStr

let to = Address toStr

let amt = read amtStr

let txn = Transaction from to amt

transfer txn

return Nothing

["balance", addrStr] -> do

let addr = Address addrStr

bal <- getBalance addr

return (Just (show bal))

["print"] -> do

bal <- get

let txns = Map.elems bal

return (Just (B.unpack (encode (convertTransactionsToJSON txns))))

["load", filename] -> do

contents <- lift $ B.readFile filename

case A.eitherDecode contents of

(Left err) -> return (Just ("Could not decode file: " ++ err))

(Right txns) -> do

forM_ txns transfer

return Nothing

_ -> return (Just "unknown command")

runREPL :: StateT Balance IO ()

runREPL = do

liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter a command (format: 'command arg1 arg2 ...'):"

cmdStr <- liftIO getLine

resp <- runCommand cmdStr

case resp of

(Just errMsg) -> liftIO (putStrLn ("Error: " ++ errMsg))

Nothing -> liftIO (putStrLn "Command successful.")




- Address: 表示地址

- Balance: 表示地址和余额之间的映射

- Transaction: 表示一笔转账,包括发送者地址、收件人地址和数量

- ADA: 表示ADA数量


- addBalance: 增加地址的余额

- getBalance: 获取地址的余额

- transfer: 交易函数,将ADA从一个地址转移到另一个地址

- convertTransactionsToJSON: 将一组交易转换为JSON格式

- parseJSONTransactions: 将JSON格式的交易转换为交易列表

- parseJSONResponse: 将JSON格式的响应解析为错误消息或成功消息

- runCommand: 运行命令并返回结果

- runREPL: 运行交互式环境




1. 在终端中转到应用程序文件所在文件夹

2. 启动交互式环境:ghci Balance.hs

3. 输入以下命令进行测试:


> runCommand "transfer test1 test2 100"

> runCommand "balance test1"

> runCommand "load transactions.json"

> runCommand "print"





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